Declan Arrighi – Padawan Filmmaker

Ask any person from any generation whether they like watching movies, and the answer will almost always be yes. We can’t deny the presence of film within our current globalized society, everywhere we look popular culture’s fingerprints are more than visible. For the nineteen year old Declan Arrighi, film is to him what the bible is to a devout Christian; a lifestyle, a religion.


“At about fifteen I started making my own amateur movies and there’s honestly no part of it I don’t enjoy, whether it be writing or shooting or editing them. They might not be the best quality but having been watching movies pretty constantly for years, you can definitely see how they have shaped the way I grew up.”

Currently mid-way through his 2nd year of a Bachelor of Journalism at the University of Wollongong, he confesses that his interest in films and filmmaking stems as far back as he can remember. “There are so many aspects of films that intrigue me, and I’ve always been in awe of the way these elements interplay on screen to tell an overarching story,” he explains. “There’s something so immersive about movies, and I guess that kind of rubbed off on me growing up.”

While Declan claims his love for film runs deep, he was sure to share experiences that exemplify just how much the concept of film has contributed to his development as a person. “One of my best friends and I used to spend hours on end playing with the (Star Wars) action figures, and he’s still my friend to this day, and we are still very much into Star Wars,” he remembers. “My first tattoo was the Rebel Alliance symbol from the original trilogy…that’s a physical reminder of my interest. I also got the Deathly Hallows from Harry Potter…so again, these are more reminders of my love for film.”


Despite his clear attraction to film and affinity to all things Star Wars and Harry Potter, there were times when Declan’s connection to such things became blurred. “I did go through a stage when I was embarrassed to admit I still liked Star Wars, around the time of puberty,” he recalls. “I was always jealous of my little cousins playing with my old figures because I thought this was a sign of me beginning to outgrow Star Wars, but it never happened.”

What was influential in Declan’s transition from a period of insecurity to his current state of individuality was a process of self-acceptance. “I always compared me sitting at home watching Star Wars to other people my age hanging out with friends and getting their first tastes of girls, but I naturally reached a point where I got a lot more self-confidence and didn’t care so much what people thought.” He goes on, “While I still watched Star Wars, I also got out there and did what average teenagers did, after realizing it didn’t matter what my interests were, because I was the same as every other teenager.”


Despite Declan’s colossal collection of figures, it was easy to tell that C-3P0 and R2-D2 were, and still are, his clear-cut favorites.

With the new Star Wars film slated for a December release and two more sequels scheduled after that, Declan is not worried about his interest waning anytime soon. As for his passion for filmmaking, he’s going to remain patient and keep it amateur until the right opportunity presents itself.  “At this stage, being nearly twenty and eager for a successful career in filmmaking, I just hope one day I’ll make films that impact other people the way Star Wars impacted me.”

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